Nothing terribly exciting in this blog - just a few pictures of our temporary flat. The flat theme is obviously black and white. We've had to dye my gray hair to fit the satyle. Enjoy the pics!
The living room with a small balcony that we don't plan on using this season. What you don't

see is a plasma TV across from the couch. We get only a few English channels - mostly news in addition to BBC and ITV..we're deprived off American shows but are slowly becoming acquainted to YouTube. We do get Zee and B4U we're catching up on our Hindi tunes.
The dining room and kitchen. Ca

n you spot a blue streaming light in the background (0n the wall). This light changes color every few seconds green We can't find an 'off' switch and thus its 24x7 disco at Chez Seemu.
The bedroom. Seema clearly sleeps on the left side as there's more room between her head and the ceiling. I'm sure I'd knock myself out when the alarm rings in the morning and be

done for the day! Notice there are no doors whatsoever in the flat.. everything is open.
The sink and bathroom with a skylight above just to make sure there's enuf light to wake you up in the morning.
Below is the view from the window in our

bedroom. The small building in the center of the picture is the train station in the area. Seema takes a train from this station to Zug..a 30-40 minute train ride.
Don't tell Seema this picture is in the blog..she'll kill me...already threatened me 5 times today. Like a nice Indian wife, she's busy making us Kadhi and Shag for dinner...a wwwwwwww... she so sweet!