Friday, November 23, 2007

Seema's Farewell

Who knew farewell parties can lead to fashion statements? It's no secret that Seema is cold..well, she also feels cold most of the time. Her workmates were very considerate and presented here with a pair of UGGS (which she now swears by) as well as other winter accessories to beat the cold out of her.... I mean keep her warm.

As we Indians normally do, a caravan of friends and family gather at the airport to welcome and/or send off people close to them. True to tradition, a 'haar' or necklace was given to the 'sendie' at the airport (we forgot flowers and hence a 'haar' of tissue paper was in order). Neev's obviously proud of the haar or is just happy that his 'Kaki' (aunt) is out of his hair..yes - it takes leaving the country to be separated from the fro. With all the sadness associated in leaving home, 'FRO separation' added that extra drop to cross the half glass full feeling. The primary reason for the smirk on Seema's face. If Neev's so ecstatic on Seema leaving, I can only imagine what he did the day his lecture giving Kaka left town!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't have a fro anymore!
